Fainu has been known for having a beautiful nature. The main work done for the livelihood of the people of Fainu is government employment, agriculture and fisheries. There is ‘funafalu’ a place that attract a lot of attention.

Fainu has been known for having a beautiful nature. The main work done for the livelihood of the people of Fainu is government employment, agriculture and fisheries. There is ‘funafalu’ a place that attract a lot of attention.
Fainu is the second most populous island and the largest land in the atoll. The island has 66.6 hectares and 153.38 kilometers away from the capital of Maldives, while capital of the atoll ungoofaaru is 22.81 kilometers. The people of the island are steadfast in Islam and obey the Constitution and laws of the Republic of Maldives.
Details of a famous person from the island.
There are several famous people living in Fainu. There are many recognized prominent figures who are alive. In regard of this, they are individuals who served the state for a long time and two Fainu-born members in People's Majlis.