Kendhikulhudhoo is home to six mangrove regions called locally as "kulhi" on the island. "Mai falhu," "Dhimaafalhu," "Hikikulhi," "Tholhifalhu," "Gan'baafalhu," "Fin'dhana gonni", and "Gaathudee kolhu" are some of them.

Kendhikulhudhoo is home to six mangrove regions called locally as "kulhi" on the island. "Mai falhu," "Dhimaafalhu," "Hikikulhi," "Tholhifalhu," "Gan'baafalhu," "Fin'dhana gonni", and "Gaathudee kolhu" are some of them. However, the islanders' dumping of waste in these mangrove regions is a big issue. Furthermore, a recent aquaculture project in the area's largest mangrove area, "Mai falhu," damaged a portion of the mangrove ecosystem.