Hdh. Neykurendhoo is a part of Thiladhunmathi Atoll in the North of the Maldives. Neykurendhoo is famous for having the largest Mangrove in the Maldives.

The Island shape is a lot like a circle like but just like the Earth, it isn't perfectly round. The population was about 743 in 2014 and the size is about 1.180 km. Neykurendhoo is located towards the center of HDH atoll. This Island is among the larger Islands of the atoll. The Island is characterized by a relatively small lagoon with the Island almost entirely covering the reef. The circular shape of the Island is typical of Islands found in the center of the atolls. It is known for its wetlands and the 2 lakes. Its wetlands are the biggest in the Maldives. There are wetland areas on the Eastern side of the Islands, with two small lakes. Neykurendhoo was among the Islands severely damaged during the Great Cyclone of 1821.
HDH. Neykurendhoo is an Island located towards the center of HDH Atoll and has a circle-like shape. It is known to become rounder by the day due to the waves around that area. The Population is about 743, including foreigners, and the size is about 1.180 km. HDH. Neykurendhoo has a small lagoon with the island almost entirely covering the reef, the island has a place known as the wetlands and it consists of 2 lakes, and is entirely uninhabitable, due to nature that grows there. The wetlands are the biggest in all of Maldives, the wetlands area on the Eastern side of the island. Neykurendhoo was among the Islands severely damaged during the Great Cyclone of 1821. This was during the reign of Sultan Muhammad Mueenuddeen I, which is a different topic that you can search up about on the internet. This is still an interesting Island with not enough information on it, and we should definitely update the Population, it has been 7 years.
Written by: Aara Ali Myers from Coding and Critical Thinking - Junior
Hdh. Neykurendhoo is a part of Thiladhunmathi Atoll in the North of the Maldives. Neykurendhoo is famous for having the largest Mangrove in the Maldives. Mangroves create unique ecological environments for a lot of species. One of the main species found in Neykurendhoo mangrove is different types of mangrove plants such as Burevi (Black mangrove), Thela (Milky mangrove), Kandoo (small- leafed orange mangrove) and Marugas (Puzzle Nut tree/Cannonball tree). Kandoo from kandoo plant is used as a signature dish from olden days and is very famous among elderly people as a source of food and is still well-known among Maldivians. In addition, the timber from mangrove plants were used for boat building and to make furniture as well as used as firewood in the olden days. Apart from different mangrove plants, Neykurendhoo mangrove is also a home for other species like crabs, fishes and different kinds of birds. Neykurendhoo mangrove is popular among other parts of the country and people come visit to see the mangrove. However, Neykurendhoo mangrove is declared protected from the authorities since a large area of mangrove is dying for unknown reasons since 2018.
Details of a famous person from the island.
Dawood Gasim (Tharividhaage / Hdh. Neykurendhoo) is a well-known person among the people of Neykurendhoo as well as nearby atolls for his knowledge about traditional Maldivian medicine (Dhivehi Beysverikan) especially illnesses concerning eyes. He started learning about traditional Maldivian medicine at a very young age and to this day, his remedies of medicines are used by people to cure illnesses even though he is not among us. He encouraged his family to learn about Dhivehi beysverikan and wanted them to carry his remedies of Maldivian medicines. People from the island as well as neighboring islands rely on Dawood’s Dhivehi beys not only because of his knowledge about the medicine but also for the care he provides for his patients. Also the medicines that he uses on his patients are handmade by Dawood himself which makes it more special and trustworthy for the people that relies on his medicines. The effort, time and energy that he invested in making these medicines is commendable and is appreciated by a lot of people.