Thulhaadhoo is one of the inhabited islands of Baa Atoll. The island has beenreclaimed by the government recently. The island is famous for being the only island in the Maldives doing lacquer work.
Thulhaadhoo is one of the inhabited islands of Baa Atoll. The island has beenreclaimed by the government recently. The island is famous for being the only island in the Maldives doing lacquer work. Lacquer work or liyelaa jehun as known as locally is anoutstanding form of handicraft practiced in Maldives. It used to supply the noble families in thecountry, but now most of Thulhaadhoo's lacquer work is sold to tourists. Lacquer work waspreviously done by using hand driven pully machines. This has, however, changed withchanging technology. People now use electric lathe machine for making lacquer items. Theseare usually made for sale to tourists, for special occasions and for exhibitions, and are thusconsidered expensive.
Details of a famous person from the island.
Abdul Raheem Mohamed Aliyamanzil B. Thulhaadhoo and Shreefa Idrees Aliyamanzil, B. Thulhaadhoo. they both are well known for their rihaakuru and smoked fish for all over the atoll. They both have been in the business for nearly 40 Years.