
The population of Feridhoo is 700 people. The length of Feridhoo is 1.125 km and the width is 0.575 km. Feridhoo is 87.96 km from capital Male. Feridhoo was the island where 2 African slaves were sent by the king of Maldives. Now there are many families on Feridhoo who can trace their decadency to those 2 African ancestors.

Feridhoo looks like a cartoon ghost. The population of Feridhoo is 700 people. The length of Feridhoo is 1.125 km and the width is 0.575 km. Feridhoo is 87.96 km from capital Male. Feridhoo was the island where 2 African slaves were sent by the king of Maldives. Now there are many families on Feridhoo who can trace their decadency to those 2 African ancestors.

Written by: Mohamed Mifzaal Musthafa from Coding and Critical Thinking  - Junior